Monday, November 23, 2009

Runes Of Magic (US) : Cash Shoppe

One feature of the so- called "Free-to-Play" games is their Cash Shoppe aka Item Mall. Here you can buy game item that can enhance your experience of gaming. Runes of Magic is not excluded from such feature. To buy items in the Cash Shoppe (CS), you'll need to buy some sort of point that can be used to do the purchase of items. The purchase of the item mall point is usually done via game card or credit card payment.

There is a way in Runes of Magic that enable you to play the game without spending a single cents of your hard earned money. However this will involve extensive farming of in game gold. The virtual point used by Runes of Magic in their CS is called diamonds. These diamonds are tradable via the in game Auction House. at the time of this writing, each diamond cost around 10k-12k gold. So by farming gold in the game, one should be able to then purchase the diamond via the auction house and then use it to buy the CS items.

Currently, the most effective way of farming gold in Runes of Magic is by farming daily quest items and then selling them via the auction house. I'm currently farming the Earth Shell Crab Meat . They sell for around 2.4k each. So for a stack of 100pcs, I can get around 224k gold (after deducting the Auction House admin fees, duh !) . I hope I can do this most of the time so that I can get as much diamond as I can .

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Runes Of Magic (US) : Operation "Upgrade"

My main character on RoM (US) has now reach level 47/42 mage/priest. So to move on, I need to upgrade my armor to the ones that give me high defense and high HP. So I have started buying the Stats X and IX armor in the Auction House (AH) , and then transmuted it with purified fusion stones to make the clean Stats X (or IX) mana stones. The mana stones are then used on the armor I bought from AH to make a better armor.

The purified fusion stones are only available from the cash shop. Luckily I can use the phirius tokens obtained from doing daily quests to buy them. So, to make use of the game system, i created a couple of alternate characters to feed the main characters with the mana stones. So far I have created only 2. Later in the future I may need to create more to speed up the purified fusion stones supply.

In fact, i have a few option on how to get the Stat X mana stones. I could make them using the method above OR i could farm daily quests items and then sell them on the auction house to get the gold that i can use to buy the mana stones from the auction house itself. Of course, mana stones from the AH can be very costly....