So I waited until today to play Lineage 2 so that i can enter the catacomb with my squad of Scavenger, BD and SE . Levelling in catacomb give nice exp and ancient adenas which i can use to buy good consumables . Plus, my Scavenger can spoil the mob there to get the Stone of Purity. I just checked yesterday that to make a B-grade dual sword, 450 pcs of SoP is needed, damn ! Thats about 27m, assuming 1 SoP sells for 60k. 27m for a B-grade, urgh..!!!
Vitality consuming has start increasing, or so i realized. This time i'll make it drop to level 2 before i stop and continue 2 days later. Or should i make it level 1, so that i can farm AA ? Urghh... let's see how it goes.
Vitality consuming has start increasing, or so i realized. This time i'll make it drop to level 2 before i stop and continue 2 days later. Or should i make it level 1, so that i can farm AA ? Urghh... let's see how it goes.
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